I also have one other website I would like to have you visit! It is a blog! Get that in your head: A BLOG so don't go thinking hey this was supposed to be another site like Me! Well here's the name (it's not a link) www.frito-kathryn.blogspot.com high lite it then copy and paste it on your http bar up at the top of you screen, IF you want to visit that site!

If you want to make a FREE blog go to either www.blogspot.com OR www.wordpress.com

If you wanna make a site like this go to yola.com or synthasite.com (these are actully both the same site although they changed the name from Synthasite.com to yola.com)

Here are some Blogs you might like to visit! I've visited these blogs myself and know person that made some of them!

Make a Free Website with Yola.